The Bullet

19 Jan

I was shocked to realize today was Wednesday. How the hell did it become Wednesday? The last I really remember, it was Sunday. Having lunch at Tyson’s Corner mall and book shopping with a girl friend. Then rushing off to help another friend out by watching her baby before we all had a Sunday “family dinner”. I use quotations because only 2 are brothers, another couple is engaged and friends that go back way more than my 5 years of history with the group. It was full of laughter and kids and catching up… Much like a family dinner growing up.

Even more comforting was the pain I got after eating which sent me running for a bathroom. Which has been going in for the most of my life. And the tremendous pain that quickly warmed through my whole body. Settling into the inner portion of my joints. Driving home I felt it hit my hips radiating to my knees. To my lower back to my shoulders and wrists, neck, fingers and ankles. Honestly, it felt normal. I have been living with this paid for over 3 years. Imaging that irritated feeling felt in the back of your neck if you get extremely angry. Now spread it.

Deferred pain versus inflammation of my bone marrow. Awesome. At least that’s what my GI doctor said. Either way, the treatment is the same. Monday’s appointment was planned. I had an attack every 20 minutes for well over 12 straight hours. Leaving me pretty much worst-less until Sunday afternoon.

After some friendly banter with my GI, he flat out said “it’s time we bite the bullet and move to a biologic drug like Remicade”. Clue start of panic attack. After 2 bruised arms due to a nurse who can’t stick a needle if her life was dependent on it, and an allergic reaction to the bandaid used to cover my TB test, it was time to start researching my latest adventure… And boy has that been a party.

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